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Learn music for life
Learn music as a life skill

How Learning Through Music Could Make You Successful In Life

Getting successful in life is a trait that drives each of us every day. However, it is a journey that packs a lot of hurdles and challenges all along. For most of us, listening to music is a saviour that helps us sail through such situations. But do you also know that learning through music helps us become successful in life? Do you want to improve your skills in focusing, disciplining, collaborating and problem-solving? Hence music production courses in India could possibly teach all of this and hence you find musicians at the top in almost every industry. 

Have you had any previous music training? Do you think it will make you more successful? Joanne Lipman writes about the correlation between musical training and success in his book, ‘Whether Music is the Key to Success?’. Below are some renowned personalities who are successful in life as well as great musicians.

  • Condoleezza Rice was a trained concert pianist. 
  • Alan Greenspan was a professional clarinet and saxophone player who is a former chairman of the Federal Reserve.
  • Bruce Kovner, a billionaire as well as a great pianist and he takes up classes at Juilliard. 

Correlation Between Music And Achievement:

This connection isn’t a coincidence. All these questions have been put forth to the top-flight professionals who are involved in various industries such as technology, finance and media. All of them have a soulful connection with music. Multiple studies reveal that their involvement in the audio engineering courses in India and music study helped them big time in academic achievement. Almost everybody who achieved in their professions had music training in the past. The phenomenon extends beyond the math-music association. Everybody would have established a connection between music and their achievements in their respective profession. They endorse the fact that music sharpens other qualities as well such as:

  1. Collaboration
  2. The way of thinking
  3. Ability to listen
  4. The power to focus

Can you imagine a life without music:

There is a quote by Aldous Huxley which has a deep meaning about music which says: The nearest form of expressing the inexpressible is music which comes after silence. 

You would have tried every language and their reading methodology through classes, books, audiotapes, computer software and still struggling to cope up. You have attained a point where learning a foreign language is no more fun and lost hope in achieving the modicum of proficiency. 

So, what is your next turn? What will help to break through the monotony? Use music as a learning tool and be successful in life. That is why music is referred to as the universal language. The music has a nature that surpasses time, culture and geography. It is one of the highest forms of expression for many people around the world. The powerful force that drives people together and draws an uncanny array of emotions from any individual. 

Have you imagined for a moment what would be life without music? Have you ever stuck with a piece of music in mind for several days? You would have listened to it at home or in the car or when working on the computer, etc. If you have difficulty learning a foreign language, then explore the world of foreign music with Amazon, YouTube, or iTunes. 

How nursery rhymes helped:

Nursery rhymes are the perfect way to start learning a foreign language. YouTube has an enormous collection of rhymes in a foreign language. With the lyrics being displayed on the screen, you will start singing in no time. Have you ever wondered why nursery rhymes exist? They help children to speak easily with the help of music. The A-B-C song is the perfect example of how this song helped kids to learn the alphabet in a foreign language. Music helps in learning the concepts and makes them easier to remember. We all would have sung at least one nursery rhyme which we learned as a kid and remember for a lifetime. Let’s use the same technique here to learn a foreign language. 

Learn a foreign language of your choice:

Pick a piece of favourite music and find the artist who has sung the song in a foreign language of your choice. Singing is enjoyable than repeated after phrases. For example, if you try to learn french but happen to like Celine Dion’s song, then search her french catalogue. You would be acquainted with her best music and also would be learning French with the help of music. 

Music is the best choice:

In recent times, there are myriad ways to learn a foreign language. We have more access to technology and tools in this modern world than in previous years. However, learning through music could expedite this process. Hence using music as a tool will help to break your routine and make learning more enjoyable than ever before. If you are so much into music and would like to build a career in music, you can join the best music production colleges in India for chasing a dream of your choice. In a nutshell, music could no longer be considered as an art but a life skill. This is how learning through music could make you successful in life. 


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